Saturday, October 10, 2015

Skin Smoothing Blackhead Removing Nose Patch

Nature Republic


Nature Republic writes that this product is used to remove blackheads and clean pores while leaving the skin baby-smooth.


1. Lightly wet your nose area (wherever you think the patch will come in contact with skin)
2. Place onto nose (the instructions also state that you are able to apply on forehead and chin too!)
3. Remove strip at approximately 10-15 minutes


After trying this product for myself, I've come to the conclusion that my pores did feel a lot cleaner when I removed the patch. Proof of blackhead removal was on the freshly ripped strip. I would advise any consumer to lightly wash the nose area after use to remove any sticky residue. My nose is cleaner, smoother and softer than ever before! I bought about 10 of these for around 90 cents each and will be buying them again!!!

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